Call for Paper

The program includes a Keynote Lecture, Invited/Long/Short Talk and Posters. Long or Short Talks will be selected from Posters. You will be notified via email if you have been selected for a Long/Short talk after the submission deadline.

This page includes guidelines and submission links for Long/Short Talks and Posters presenters applicants. For Keynote and invited lecturers, the secretariat will send out an e-mail to you for the abstract submission instructions and specific submission link, please stay tuned.

Presentation/Discussion time (tentative):

  • Keynote Lecture: ~30-min including Q&A session
  • Invited Talk: ~20-min including Q&A session
  • Long Talk: ~10-min including Q&A session
  • Short Talk: ~5-min without Q&A session
  • Poster: 15:00-17:00 on Day 2 (Nov. 19) and Day 4 (Nov. 21)

Important Date

Abstract Submission Open: June 1st, 2024

Deadline for Abstract Submission: August 31st, 2024 (Registration period has ended)
*Note that we will not extend the deadline.

Notification of Acceptance for Long or Short Talks: October 15th, 2024

Presentation Categories

  • Replication
  • Repair
  • Recombination
  • Genome Maintenance
  • Chromosome dynamics
  • Cell Cycle
  • Checkpoint
  • Epigenetics
  • Diseases
  • Others
  • Abstract Submission

    • Your preference for the presentation form (oral or poster) will be selected, and the final program will be decided by the Program Committee. While we strive to accommodate your preferences, we appreciate your understanding if we cannot meet all expectations.
    • All abstracts can only be submitted with the online submission system by the first author. Registrations sent by e-mail, fax or post will be ignored.
    • Please note that this system automatically designates the registered person as the first author. For a change of the author order, see the abstract submission page.
    • The Abstracts must be a maximum of 250 words prepared in English and optionally include a graphical abstract. Graphical abstracts should be in 16:9 JPEG format only and should be at least 1280X720 px. (One simple way to prepare a jpeg file for a graphical abstract is to use PowerPoint. Create a 16:9 slide with font sizes typically used in presentations and export the slide to a jpeg.)
    • Please see the Guideline here for how to submit your abstract to the system.

    *You will not receive an email from the system for confirmation of submission.
    *Please go to your "my page" and confirm that the status shows as "Submitted".
    *You can edit and make changes to the submitted content within the submission period.