My key to Climbing the Value Ladder

Lisa Dalsgaard is a Scandinavian Tech Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO at Lisa has succeeded in creating a technical product that makes a difference for events and venues all over the world. is an alternative to apps making it easy for event managers to pack relevant content on the platform, and push the personal link to the mobile phones before guest arrival. Based on data this First Impression Software is a tool that makes it easier for Venues and managers to create real guest value.

This presentation takes the point of departure in a personal and professional journey with unexpected adversity. Presenting the tool and the key to climbing the ladder from survival mode to self-fulfillment needs, creating value for the self and for the company. This one key has been the guiding star in climbing to the next level at GoodiePack and for Lisa. It’s a way to unleash creative thinking, strengthen value creation and show what data to gather when moving on up.