Venue 1: Hitotsubashi Hall (JUL. 12-15)
Click here for details
National Center of Sciences Building 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-8439
- Registration Desk/Tokyo City Information Desk
- Pre-Congress/Keynote Lectures/Oral Presentations/Poster Presentations
- Exhibition
- IADT Board Meeting (JUL. 12)
- Lunch (JUL. 14)
Venue 2: TKP Garden City PREMIUM Jimbocho (JUL. 13 ONLY)
Click here for details
TERRACE SQUARE 3F 3-22 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054
- Satellite Rooms
- Table Clinic (Luch& Learn) *Ticket Required
- Lunch (JUL. 13)
Venue 3: Gakushi Kaikan (JUL. 14 ONLY)
Click here for details
3-28 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8459
- Satellite Rooms
- Dental Hygienist Session (in Japanese only)
- Lunch (JUL. 14)
- Gala Party (July 14) *Ticket Required
Venue 4: KKR Hotel
Click here for details
1-4-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
- IADT Fellowship Committee Breakfast Meeting (JUL. 13)
- Dental Traumatology Journal Editorial Board Meeting (JUL. 14)

Floor Plan

General Information
Registration Desk
- Place: Venue 1 Hitotsubashi Hall, 1F Lobby
- Opeing Time
JUL.12th: 12 pm-7 pm
JUL.13th&14th: 9 am-5 pm
JUL.15th: 9 am-12 pm - For regular participants, please show the registration desk the confirmation e-mail sent by the Secretariat of WCDT 2024 on July 10th.
The e-mail contains your Participation Number (No. 0001-9999). *Please note that this number is NOT the User ID that shows in the system.
For invited speakers and guests, please provide us with your name at the registration desk. - Participants will receive their namebadges, along with congress documents and participantion certification at the registration desk.
Refreshments& Lunch
Refreshments will be served in the Room A at Venue 1, Hitotsubashi Hall.
Lunch will be provided at the following venues on different dates:
*Food and/or drinks are not allowed in designated rooms or places.
JUL.13: Venue 2 TKP Garden City PREMIUM Jimbocho Lunch box
JUL.14: Venue 1 Hitotsubashi Hall(Sandwich box)& Venue 2 Gakushi Kaikan (Lunch box)
Interpretation Services
Interpretation services for keynote lectures will be provided on the 2nd floor of Venue 1.
If you require an interpretation receiver, please exchange your ticket attached to your name card.
Please remember to return the receiver when leaving the building.
Satellite Rooms
We have set up several satellite rooms at each venue on JUL. 13 & 14.
Please check the broadcasting language written in the program before heading to the room.
Prayer Room
There is prayer room on the 2nd floor of the Venue 1- Hitotsubashi Hall. Please see the map below:

Regarding the Program
Lunch& Learn
The table clinic is free of charge but registerd (tickets) is required.
Please find the details of tickets below:
- Distrubute time: July 13th (SAT.) from 9 am on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Distrubute place: Venue 1 Hitotsubashi Hall, 1F lobby, in front of the Poster 1 Room.
*Please make sure to complete the congress check-in first.
Gala Party
- Date & Time: July 14th (SUN.) 6 pm-9 pm (Registration required in advance)
- Place: Venue 3 Gakushi Kaikan 201-203
For participants who have registered for the dinner, the ticket will be distributed at the registration desk along with the name badge.
Please note that only tickets with names on them will be available. Tickets marked VOID cannot be used.
*The starting time written on the ticket is in mistake. The party venue will open from 6 pm and start from 7 pm.
Tokyo Bus tour