Plenary Lecture

Wendy Mao Stanford University

Title: New materials under extreme environments (tentative)

Speaker IntroductionWendy Mao is a professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and was a J. R. Oppenheimer Post-doctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Wendy’s research group works on understanding the behavior of materials under extreme conditions. She uses diamond anvil cells and laser-shock compression to access high pressure and variable temperatures and studies the dramatic changes that are induced using a suite of laboratory and synchrotron x-ray and x-ray free electron techniques. Her work has applications in understanding Earth and planetary interiors and developing new energy-related materials. She is the recipient of the Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award and the Mineralogical Society of America Award, and is a fellow of the Geochemical Society, the European Association of Geochemistry, the American Geophysical Union, and the Mineralogical Society of America.

Agnes Dewaele CEA & Paris-Saclay University

Title: Extreme metallurgy  (tentative)

Speaker IntroductionAgnès Dewaele is a research director at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) and a research professor at Université Paris Saclay. She is also associated to Synchrotron Soleil. She performed a PhD at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in Earth and Planetary Science. At CEA, she works on equations of state, phase transformations and their mechanisms, and reactivity of the elements under extreme conditions, often in close collaboration with theoreticians. She uses mainly the diamond anvil cell tool to generate these conditions, coupled with large scale X-ray facilities to characterize matter. She received the European High Pressure Research Group award.
Publication list is on :https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Qta2EywAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao

Yanming Ma Jilin University

Title: High pressure superconductors with the emergent exciting physics (tentative)

Speaker IntroductionProf. Yanming Ma (http://mym.calypso.cn) is a distinguished Au-Chin Tang Professor in College of Physics, and vice President of Jilin University where he received his Ph.D in 2001. He was elected academician in physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023. Ma’s research interests are in the development of simulation methods (e.g., CALYPSO at http://www.calypso.cn) for crystal structure prediction and large-scale electronic structure calculations of materials, and the use of these methods to investigate high pressure materials (e.g., hydrogen-based superconductors, etc). He recently established an experimental lab for syntheses and property characterization of materials at high pressure conditions. He received the Jamieson Award for High Pressure Science and Technology (2001) and the very first Walter Kohn Prize for Quantum-mechanical Materials and Molecular Modeling (2016).
Email: mym@jlu.edu.cn.

Invited Speakers (confirmed)

A: Instrumentation and New Techniques

B: Condensed Matter Physics

 Jinguang Cheng, Beijing National Laboratory for condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics,
                                Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

 Takuya Kobayashi, Saitama University, Japan
 Hidekazu Mukuda, Osaka University, Japan
 Yoshihiko Takano, National Instutute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

C: Materials Science and Solid State Chemistry

 Takashi Taniguchi, National Instutute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan *Keynote
 Hena Das, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
 Youwen Long, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
 Timothy Strobel, Carnegie Institution for Science, USA

D: Fluid Properties/Fluid Reactions

E: Biology and Food Sciences

 Philippe Oger, INSA Lyon, France
 Roland Winter, TU Dortmund, Germany
 Kazutaka Yamamoto, NARO, Japan

F: Earth and Planetary Science

 Shunichiro Karato, Yale University, USA 
 Yongjae Lee, Yonsei University, Korea
 Sergey S. Lobanov, GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, Germany
 Narangoo Purevjav, Seoul National University, Korea
 Alex Schubnel, CNRS, France
 Claire Zurkowski, LLNL, USA

G: Dynamic Compression

 Marius Millot, LLNL, USA
 Ivan Oleynik, University of South Florida, USA
 Alessandra Ravasio, Ecole Polytechnique, France

H: Superconductivity in Hydrides (Focus Session: In memory of Mikhail Eremets)

 Alexander Drozdov, Max Plank Institute for Chemistry, Germany
 Vasily Minkov, Max Plank Institute for Chemistry, Germany

I: Nanopolycrystalline Materials (Focus Session)

 Natalia Dubrovinskaia, University of Bayreuth, Germany
 James A. Wollmershauser, Naval Research Lab, USA
 Bo Xu, Yanshan University, China

J: High Pressure Deformation (Focus Session)

 Shintaro Azuma, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
 Andrea Bachmaier, Austrian Academy of Science, Austria
 Valery I. Levitas, Iowa State University, USA
 Yanbin Wang, GSECARS, USA