
*The speaker list is currently in the process of being developed.

Keynote Speaker

Hironori Niki

National Institute of Genetics, Japan

Differences Between Plasmids and Chromosomes: Focus on DNA Compaction and Physical Properties

Invited Speaker

Jean-Yves Bouet

CNRS, France

In vivo assembly of plasmid partition condensates: LLPS behavior, beyond trend and reality

Michael Brockhurst

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Plasmids are drivers of adaptation in bacterial communities

Antonio Camrgo

Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States

Uncovering and organizing the plasmid diversity across Earth’s microbiomes

Tiago R D Costa

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

The architecture and function of an antimicrobial resistance propagator

Fernando de la Cruz

CSIC, Spain

Plasmid Taxonomy

Tatiana Dimitriu

University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

short-term evolution of conjugative plasmids and consequences for antimicrobial resistance

Elisabeth Grohmann

Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Mating Pair Formation Complex of a Type IV Secretion System from Gram-positive Pathogens: Mechanistic and Structural Insights

Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn

Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Title: TBD

Claudia Igler

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Co-infection dynamics of mobile genetic elements

Igor Konieczny

University of Gdańsk, Poland

Initiators temporal occupation of replication origins

Christian Lesterlin

CNRS, France

DNA transfer by conjugation in live cells

Allison Lopatkin

University of Rochester, United States

Determinants of plasmid acquisition and selection

Itzhak Mizrahi

Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Intertwining plasmids, microbial interactions and adaptations to gut environments

Kiyoshi Mizuuchi

NIH, Japan

Plasmid partition and host cell division control by ParA-family ATPases with mechanisms involving reaction-diffusion principles

Rafael Pinilla Redondo

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Plasmid CRISPR Conflicts: Type IV-A3 in the Spotlight

Kornelia Smalla

Julius-Kuehn Institute, Germany

The transferable resistome of biosolid bacteria influenced by the size of the wastewater treatment plant?

Søren J. Sørensen

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Plasmid dynamics and maturation of the infant gut microbiome

Beth A. Traxler

University of Washington, United States

Plasmids & Pill: an appreciation of Laura Frost(1949-2023)

Lingchong You

Duke University, United States

Title: TBD