
Plenary Speakers

Prof. Steffen Grohmann

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Title: Overview on HTS Power Applications and Cooling System Developments in Europe

Prof. Sastry Pamidi


Title: Cooling HTS Power Devices on Electric Aircraft and Ships Using Liquid Hydrogen

Dr. Wolfgang Stautner

GE HealthCare - Technology & Innovation Center, USA

Title: Status and Future Prospects of CHEETA NASA Phase II (tentative)

Dr. Ludovic Ybanez

Airbus UpNext, France

Title: Value of cryogenic and superconducting technologies for Electric Propulsion of aircraft

Prof. Jun-ichi Shimoyama

Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Title: Review and Future Prospects of HTS Materials for Practical Applications

Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Kévin Berger
    Université de Lorraine, France
    Status and Future Prospects of SuperRail project in Paris (tentative)
  • Prof. Seokho Kim
    Changwon National University, Korea
    Overview on HTS power applications and cooling system developments in Korea
  • Mr. Santhosh Gandla
    SHI cryogenics, USA
    High-capacity Single-stage GM Cryocooler, or Circulating Cooling System for HTS (tentative)
  • Prof. Ali Gencer
    Ankara University, Turkey
    Boron industry and MgB2 in Turkey (tentative)
  • Dr. Akihiro Kikuchi
    National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
    Research and Development of Ultrafine and Flexible MgB2 Superconducting Wires for Large Scale Applications (tentative)
  • Emeritus Prof. Yasuyuki Shirai
    Kyoto University, Japan
    Development of a Rotor Cooling System of Superconducting Generator Using Liquid Hydrogen (tentative)
  • Dr. Fumitake Kametani
    HTS Materials for High-field Magnet Applications (tentative)