Presentation Guideline


Presentation time

Invited talk: 17 min. for presentation, 3 min. for discussion
Contributed talk: 12 min. for presentation, 3 min. for discussion

Presentation slides

Presenters are required to prepare their presentation slides as below:

1. Format

Microsoft Office PowerPoint (.pptx) or PDF.

2. Aspect ratio of screen


3. Size of letters and numbers

Larger than 24 points is recommended.

4. Laptop

A laptop PC for the presentation will be prepared by the LOC. Please copy your presentation slides to the laptop using a USB flash drive which will be distributed by the LOC to each attendee at the reception. The USB flash drive is compatible with type A and type C.
If you need to use your own PC, please inform the LOC in advance.

Before & during your presentation

  1. Copy your presentation slides to the laptop PC before your presentation (during coffee break or short break) on the day of your presentation. If you have any difficulty to use the USB flash drive, please send your presentation slides by email to the LOC by the day before your presentation.
  2. During the presentation of your previous presenter, have a seat in the “Next Presenters’ seat”.
  3. During your presentation, a timekeeper will ring a bell as below:

Invited talk:

1st bell: 14 min. after you start a presentation.
2nd bell: End of the presentation. Move to discussion.
3rd bell: 20 min. passed (end of your slot).

Contributed talk:

1st bell: 10 min. after you start a presentation.
2nd bell: End of the presentation. Move to discussion.
3rd bell: 15 min. passed (end of your slot).


  1. Presentations must be given in English.
  2. Please note that participants are not permitted to record presentations or copy the abstract book for redistribution.


Preparation for Poster Presentations

A poster board with the size of
- width: 90 cm
- height: 210 cm
will be prepared for each presenter.
A0 portrait, A1 landscape or smaller size of paper can be put on it.

Poster Presentation Time

Presenters for the poster session are requested to present in front of their own poster boards during 17:00-18:30, Monday, Mar. 4.

Mounting and Removal of Posters

Please mount your posters after 9:00 on Monday, Mar. 4 on the designated poster board in medium conference room 202 and remove them between 12:00-16:00 on Thursday, Mar. 7 Any posters left on board after the sessions (around 17:00) will be discarded. The LOC will provide the pins necessary for displaying your poster.