International Conference Center Hiroshima  -広島国際会議場-

1-5, Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima (in the Peace Memorial Park)
TEL +81-(0)82-242-7777

TEL 082-242-7777

Access to Venue

Access to Horoshima

Click the below button to check out the details on Hiroshima Tourism Organization.

About Hiroshima

Hiroshima Prefecture is situated in the southwestern part of Japan's main island of Honshu and in the center of the Chugoku region with a total land area of 8,480km2 and a population of about 2.8 million people.

It has the largest land area and population among prefectures in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions.

The prefecture's geography is generally mountainous. The Chugoku Mountain Range is comprised of a series of mountains at least 1,000 meters in elevation in the northern part of the prefecture. In addition to the gently-sloping mountains and clear river gorges, scenic new green leaves in the spring and the beautiful colors of fall spread over a vast area.

To the south, the prefecture borders the Seto Inland Sea, an area dotted with countless islands both large and small creating a panorama of island beauty.

●Weather Information

●Introduction of Hiroshima/Sightseeing/Food

Please visit following sites for more information.

Dive Hiroshima:

Hiroshima - A prefecture defined by peace: