Guidelines for Speakers

Oral Presentation (Including Plenary and Invited speakers)

All presenters must be prepared to allow a fast and easy transition from one talk to another and to avoid unnecessary delay. Please adhere to the presentation schedule in the program.

Presentation time

  • Plenary Speaker: 40 minutes (35 min. for talk and 5 min. for Q&A)
  • Invited Speaker: 30 minutes (25 min. for talk and 5 min. for Q&A)
  • Oral Presenters: 20 minutes (15 min. for talk and 5 min. for Q&A)

Presentation Data

We recommend 16:9 for the presentation data.
There are 2 ways for the presenters to provide their presentation data.

  1. On-site Data Reception Desk (Strongly recommended)
    We have prepared a presentation data reception desk at the venue, please come to the desk at least 30 minuets before your presentation.
    Please make sure to bring a USB or any device that you could transfer your presentation to our technical staff. At the reception desk, you are able to check whether your data will screen correctly as well.
  2. Upload to dropbox in advanced
    If the method 1 does not work with you, please upload your presentation data to the below dropbox by September 16th 22th.
    Dropbox URL:

At the podium

  • LCD projector, screen, laser pointer, and microphone will be available at the venue.
  • If you want to present with your own computer, please bring the adapter to connecct with HDMI.
  • Please note that IIT is not responsible for the security of any personal equipment.

Poster Presentation

Poster Size

Poster size MUST BE the same or smaller than A0 size (W841xH1189 mm). Pins will be provided at the venue.

Poster Session

  • Poster Session: September 23 (Mon.) 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Set-up: September 23 (Mon.) 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Removal: Posters must be removed by 9:00 pm on September 23 (Mon.).

Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their presentation materials. All posters must be removed at the end of the poster session. The organizers are not responsible for posters not collected by the authors. The venue staff will discard all remaining posters that are not removed.

Special Issue

Presenters of IIT2024 (Included Plenary speakers, invited speakers, oral and poster prensenters) are encouraged to submit the full paper to the Special Issue of MRS Advances. Please click the below button for details.